Tham khảo Sumbawa

  1. Jong Boers B.D. de (2007), The "Arab" of the Indonesian Archipelago:The Famed Horse Breeds of Sumbawa trong: Greg Bankoff và Sandra Swart (chủ biên), Breeds of Empire: The "invention" of the horse in Southern Africa and Maritime Southeast Asia, 1500-1950. Copenhagen: Nhà in NIAS, tr. 51-64
  2. Jong Boers B.D. de (1997), Sustainability and time perspective in natural resource management: The exploitation of sappan trees in the forests of Sumbawa, Indonesia (1500-1875) trong: Peter Boomgaard, Freek Colombijn và David Henley (chủ biên), Paper landscapes; Explorations in the environmental history of Indonesia. Leiden: Nhà in KITLV, tr. 260-281